Phone recording video of talking women
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Empower your Purpose.

Enrich your Presence.

Let’s Work Together!

Let’s walk in purpose, girl

It’s time to release the purpose God has on the inside of you. ​I know you’ve been feeling the pull to step out and walk in it. ​But something is stopping you from taking that step. You are ​focusing on “HOW“ when all you need to do is start walking ​and God will do the rest.

Hey girl! I’m sabre’

With my background as a Human Resources Specialist in the ​military, a content creator, and a virtual assistant, I am the ​perfect woman to partner with when it comes to doing what ​God has called you to do when it comes to the online space.

I know what it’s to like to feel the burden and the push to ​take up space in the online world but not know how to do it. ​I’m the girl that you will show you the tools and help you ​implement them. To help you build systems that will help you ​consistently show up. You were not made to carry your ​purpose alone!


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“Sabre’ Oreyana is the brand you want behind your business. She is strategic and full ​of insight. She spends a lot of time studying what’s working and what’s not. She is a ​mastermind in the area of content editing and captures your true personality in every ​moment. Her approach is not only strategic but it is personal. She will treat your ​business like her own.”

Tolerance Woodward, Explode Strength





Email Marketing

Content Creation

Systems Set Up


Project Management


Video Editing


Brand Partnerships

Featured Project

Tolerance Shannon

Tolerance reached out to me and told me that God ​had been laying it on her heart to write a book. So ​that’s what she did. We had a couple strategy ​sessions. I showed her how to publish her book on ​Amazon and showed her a payment system that ​allowed her to have pre-orders before the book ​launched. She took the tools I gave her and ran with ​it. She is now touching the lives of women ​encouraging them to go heal.

Check out her book

Packages and pricing


Friend Tier

This is for the woman who realizes that she needs ​help but can’t afford a huge commitment. This is ​perfect for the tasks that you have been wanting to ​get done but haven’t gotten the chance to do.


*You pick how many hours you need*




Bestie Tier

This is for the woman who realizes she needs more ​support. She needs a bestie in her corner who can help ​her keep the ball rolling,


20 hrs/month


Bestie level here I come!!


Sista Tier

This is for the woman who is locked in and is ​serious about the vision God has given her. She’s ​ready for a partner to come along and assist her.


40 hrs/month


Let’s be sistas!

My process


Fill out the form to apply for my virtual assistant services. ​You'll hear back within 48 hours. If we seem like a good ​match, I'll send you a link to schedule a discovery call.

Second step

When we have our discovery call, I’ll have a clearer picture of the ​type of help you would need. From there I will send a proposal ​that covers everything we discussed in the call. Once you receive ​the proposal, you will review everything, sign the contract and ​pay your deposit.

Third step

Now, let's start the onboarding process! Look out for an email ​with your onboarding packet outlining our systems. Included in ​the email be videos explaining our systems. Once you complete ​the videos and give access to the resources needed for your ​service. We’ll be all set to start working together!


Testimonial Stars Icon

“ I absolutely loved the video that Sabre’ and her ​husband made for me. The sound and picture quality ​were a 10. She did a great job highlighting the product”

Sobriyia, Big Mama Sauce

Frequently Asked Questions


How are hours tracked?

I keep track of my hours in your ​Notion Client Portal, You will be ​able to see when I’ve worked, ​how long I have worked and the ​tasks that I have worked on.


Is payment required upfront?

You will have to pay a deposit of ​$50 dollars. This saves your spot ​on my roster applies 1 hour kick ​off call that we will have during ​the onboarding process.


How quickly are tasks ​completed?

Tasks will be completed 1-2 days ​before the due date. If I am running ​behind, I will communicate with you ​via slack or notion.


Can I request an additional ​service?

Yes, you can request additional ​services. Please be mindful of how ​many hours you have left. If the ​additional tasks require more time. ​You’ll have to pay for additional ​time at the rate of $30 per hour.

I can’t wait ​to work ​with you!

I’m ready to help you build your ​online presence! If you have any ​questions or inquiries, get in touch ​with me below and I’ll get back to you ​within 48 hours!

Let’s do this!



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